Monday, 1/11Tuesday, 1/12Wednesday, 1/13Thursday, 1/14Friday, 1/15
Room34-101 34-101 34-101 34-10134-101
9:15 A.M.Breakfast and NetworkingBreakfast and NetworkingBreakfast and NetworkingBreakfast and NetworkingBreakfast and Networking
9:45 A.M.Welcome: Anantha ChandrakasanWelcome: Bob Metcalfe Welcome: Martin SchmidtWelcome: L. Rafael Reif
Welcome: Fiona Murray
10:00 A.M.Startup 101: Jamie Goldstein Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup: Bill AuletHow to Navigate the Journey from Invention to Production: Sangeeta Bhatia Creating Culture: Jeremy WertheimerEquity 101: Ash Ashutosh
11:00 A.M.Entrepreneurship Paths: Moderator: Dulcie Madden Panelists: Erika Angle, Natalya Brikner, Vanu Bose, Bernard Gordon
International Entrepreneurship: Sam HwangStartup Stories: Reed SturtevantCulture and Ethics Case Discussions: Peter Levine10 Years of Building Quizlet: Andrew Sutherland
12:00 P.M.Lunch (12:00-12:45pm)
Seed Funding overview by Jinane Abounadi
Lunch and NetworkingLunch and NetworkingLunch and Networking
12:45 P.M.Lunch and Networking (12:30-2:00pm)
Drew Houston Webex Session (1:00-2:00pm)Ethervation - Becoming the Standard: Bob Metcalfe
Effective Marketing Techniques: Kris Bronner (12:45-1:00pm)
How to Market a Startup at Time t=0 (and budget ~= 0): Dharmesh Shah
Funding Strategies from Seed to Exit: Moderator: Siva Narendra
Panelists: Jay Emmanuel, Kush Gulati, Stan ReissNicole Stata
2:00 P.M.ACTIVITY 1- What is Your Idea/Value Proposition? Moderated by: Christina Chase, Joshua Forman, Benjamin JunDelphine Zurkiya
(36-428) (34-401)
MIT Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Moderator: Steve Haraguchi Panelist: Georgina Campbell, Michael Cima, Sherwin Greenblatt, Lita Nelsen,  Leon Sandler, Joel SchindallActivity 2: Customer Interview Simulation: Christina Chase
Startup Experience: Amnon Shashua
Being a Leader in a Startup: Paula Long
3:00 P.M.Why Do Startups Fail?: Christina ChaseHow to Start a Company in Five Easy Steps: Michael StonebrakerInventing Breakthrough Technologies and Creating Start Up Companies: Bob Langer ACTIVITY 3-Write your Press Release: Bob MetcalfeInnovation at Scale: Mark Little
4:00 P.M.Day ConcludesDay ConcludesDay ConcludesDay ConcludesDay Concludes
 Tuesday 1/19Wednesday 1/20Thursday 1/21Friday 1/22
Room34-101 34-101 34-101 34-101
9:15 A.M.BreakfastBreakfast
9:45 A.M.Welcome: Vladimir Bulović
Welcome: Yoel Fink
Students Arrange Times to Meet with MentorsStudents Arrange Times to Meet with Mentors
10:30 A.M.Experiences of Recent Alums: Moderator: Arun Saigal, Panelists: Alice Brooks, Theodora KoulliasWei Li, Amrita Saigal
Softskills and Networking Techniques: Jeremy Conrad 
11:30 A.M.Advice on Startups: Marina Hatsopoulos
12:00 P.M.Lunch and Networking
Lunch and Networking
12:30 P.M.
1:00 P.M.Founder's Experience: Idea to Creation and Beyond: Fireside Chat with W. Eric L. Grimson, Jim PayneDream and Reach: Innovation at Bose and the Importance of Being Privately Held: Bob MarescaField Trip to Kayak
Field Trip to Kryuus
Field Trip to Mass Challange
Field Trip to HubSpot
2:00 P.M.IP: Steve BauerACTIVITY 4-Practice Pitch Session
(36-428) (34-401)
Field Trip to CIC
Field Trip to Hopper
Field Trip to iRobot
Field Trip to Ministry of Supply

3:00 P.M.Competitive and Creative Negotiation Skills for Founders: David Niño

4:00 P.M.Students Arrange Times to Meet with MentorsStudents Arrange Times to Meet with Mentors
5:45 P.M.Panel Event: Empowering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Welcome Remarks: Anantha Chandrakasan
Moderator: Jesse Draper, Panelists: Susan Hockfield, Payal Kadakia, Dina Katabi, Helen Greiner
Closing Remarks: Joi Ito
By invitation only
Students Arrange Times to Meet with Mentors
Students Arrange Times to Meet with Mentors
 Monday 1/25Tuesday 1/26
Room34-101 34-101
9:00 A.M.BreakfastBreakfast
9:30 A.M.Presentations 1-5Presentations 41-45
10:00 A.M.Presentations 6-10Presentations 46-50
10:30 A.M.BreakBreak
11:00 A.M.Presentations 11-15Presentations 51-55
11:30 A.M.Presentations 16-20Presentations 56-60
12:00 P.M.Remarks by: Ian A. WaitzLunch and Networking
12:15 P.M.Lunch and Networking
1:00 P.M.Presentations 21-25Presentations 61-65
1:30 P.M.Presentations 26-30Presentations 66-70
2:00 P.M.BreakBreak
2:30 P.M.Presentations 31-35Presentations 71-75
3:00 PM.Presentations 36-40Presentations 76-80
3:30 PM.Day ConcludesDay Concludes